

Its been more than a week since John Mayer's concert at Rod Laver Arena, but I can still pretty much remember it vividly. Okay, who wouldn't with that soulful voice of his. The only thing I regretted from the concert was that I didn't finish my fish and chips, which led to a very hungry me once we reached home.

So, yesterday I finally watched a movie after ____ months. The last movie I watched was Alice in Wonderland, and that, according to my standard (of going to the cinema) was pretty long. We caught Iron Man 2, I know, I know, no biggie since I bet the rest of the world has already watched it. Blog posts about IM2 must have been long in the archives of many others' blogs. Just a random thought. I guess I could understand all the hype about it, now that I've watched it. One thing I discovered about Robert Downey Jr - his voice sounds kind of similar to JM's! or maybe I am just hallucinating, or infatuated.

Enough, before I start to amuse myself.

Oh, and Oriental Spoon has honey jujube tea. JUJUBE!!

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