

Been losing the touch to blog lately. I guess even though I have been thinking a lot these days, I just don't feel like penning, or rather typing, these thoughts out.

But today is different.

So I just read the bff's recent entry and I can't help but to agree with her.  Yesterday we had dinner at Pepperoni Pizzeria (finally tried that place, which is just a walking distance from home), and caught up on a lot of things. She just came back from her Hong Kong trip and I felt that she was away for months. 

I learnt alot about myself these few months. And maybe somewhere along the way, I have changed. Although I am still very much a skeptical person. No doubt I tried to be less skeptical of things, certain things, but then I realized, how could something that has become such a part of me be changed ?

I don't handle compliments well. Criticisms are so much easier to handle. Probably because it will make you work towards something better. And I feel comfortable that way. A rather queer thing, but true, somehow.

Okay, I am beginning to think that I am losing the point of this entry. In short, I have always believed that things are simple, its the people that is complicated. But I choose to think that I am very much a simple person. Only if one understands me enough.

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