
valid reason.

I reached Melbourne a couple of hours ago, and I realised something. The more I leave home / for Melbourne, the worse the feeling gets. Weird, I know. But somehow that's the way it is.

The short 2 weeks break have been fulfilling. I even managed to meet up with the usual bunches of people (:  Yes, I am happy that was possible despite their schedules and stuff

Now its back to the harsh reality, that is, the university life. Mid-sems tomorrow and I have not done anything, except for reading (which we all know is technically useless for mathematics). Hoping to do some questions today/tonight, if I can. Well, I have to :/ I should be focused now. Exams are in about a month, the deadlines for OR project are scarily approaching. I'm kind of looking forward to it, because this means I will be busy, and that equals to time passing by faster than the usual rate. Before I know it, 16th November will come and hopefully that will be the last of my BSc's exams. >>> 20th November, officially the start of summer break in SINGAPORE (HOME SWEET HOME) for me and QQ, for 3 whole months.

I am stoked.


  1. im glad u started blogging again. or did i miss out alot? haha cos i always visit ur old lj but it was not updated for ages. Anyway nice catching up at ur house. At least we get to meet you lor :) Jia you for exams coming up!!

    And did i see wrongly abt u coming back again in Nov??? :D

  2. i've moved here for quite a while!
    & nope, you didn't see wrongly about me coming back again in nov. its the usual summer break! ;)
